
Ocean Temperatures Rise and the Sulphur Emissions Dilemma

May 31, 2024
Public Relations

Sulphur emissions have proven to be a complex problem for the environment. New studies show that while sulphur emissions, both into the air and into the oceans,

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

April 24, 2024
Public Relations

It looks like Northern Europe is cleaning up their waters with Denmark officially approving the ban on pollutant-producing open-loop scrubbers that will take effect on July 1st, 2025.

Denmark Takes the Lead in Banning Harmful Scrubbers

March 15, 2024
Public Relations

Change is coming. And it’s exactly what we’ve been advocating for. Our efforts to have dirty scrubbers and their filthy, toxic washwater banned are coming into fruition as Denmark’s government,

Infochemical Disruption Due to Calamitous Scrubber Discharge

February 19, 2024
Public Relations

The quarterly list of ships installed with polluting scrubbers, which you can find here, has been updated. To no surprise, on the list is Alassia Newships Management Inc. who in 2015 had a Fuel Oil Spill event from their panamax M/V Marathassa

Hidden Shipping Activity Equals Hidden Pollution from Toxic Scrubbers

January 11, 2024
Public Relations

A new study has revealed that we don’t have an accurate account of the number of emissions including toxic scrubber effluent quantities being released daily.

Mercury Concentrations in Fish Increase with Harmful Untreated Ship Scrubber Washwater

December 18, 2023
Public Relations

It’s the holiday season! And around the world, people are celebrating with traditional fish-focused holiday meals. Take for example, the Sicilians’

PAHs From Toxic Scrubbers Endanger Sea Turtles

November 22, 2023
Public Relations

With the release of movies like Finding Nemo and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, sales of adorable, “crime-fighting” pet turtles skyrocketed. But as quickly as they were sold, they were returned or abandoned and thrown (illegally) into

Dirty Scrubbers Continue to Increase Air Pollution

October 23, 2023
Public Relations

If you’ve been keeping up with us, you know that dirty scrubbers have been installed on more than 4,000 ships as a way to circumvent the 2020 IMO Sulphur Fuel Limit, which was implemented to reduce SOx emissions.

Dangerous Scrubbers Cause Coral Bleaching Concerns

September 18, 2023
Public Relations

Most coral reefs today are between 5,000 and 10,000 years old, but with recent climate changes and disastrous pollution events triggering mass coral bleaching, a great percentage of these critical

2023’s Pollution “Winners” Are…......

August 15, 2023
Public Relations

The fight to reduce emissions caused by the marine industry, especially by shipowners using virulent scrubbers, continues. And we’re not the only ones bringing awareness to these polluters.

Plankton and Scrubbers—A Catastrophic Combo in the Making. HELP!!!

July 20, 2023
Public Relations

Plankton are essential to all marine ecosystems. The downfall of plankton would be catastrophic to the entire structure of the food web. The destructive open-loop scrubbers are on a rapid track to making that downfall happen.

EPA Tracks Polluting Scrubber Voyages

July 10, 2023
Public Relations

Is judgement day approaching? For scrubber users, it just may be. To date, scrubber users haven’t faced any real consequences for the damage they needlessly inflict on the environment.

Call For More Bans on Poisonous Scrubber Washwater

June 26, 2023
Public Relations

It’s no secret that scrubbers are emitting harmful gases and contaminating our eco systems and fragile oceans with poisonous washwater

The dirty, polluting “scrubbers” are back at it again…

April 10, 2023
Public Relations

As everyone should be aware, the use of open loop scrubbers is a major loophole in the legislation and many so called “green” ship ownersare mercilessly exploiting it. Remember, the name scrubber is deceptive. Any pollution

Here’s Why You Should Cancel Your Next Cruise

July 27, 2022
Public Relations

It might be time to reconsider your vacation plans. More than two years after the pandemic shut down the cruise line industry, many passengers are eager to set sail again. While the all-inclusive getaways are tempting, those considering an environmentally......

Agricultural Giants Cargill, Viterra and Others Undeterred by Russian Sanctions

June 10, 2022
Public Relations

It doesn’t seem like much has changed for the Cargill corporation. The Minnesota-based, agricultural giant has been dubbed by some as “the world's worst company” and it certainly appears like they are trying to live up to that name. In...

Port of Vancouver Scrubber Washwater Ban Takes Effect

March 16, 2022
Public Relations

The waters surrounding the Port of Vancouver just got a whole lot cleaner. New restrictions issued by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority now ban the discharge of washwater from scrubbers within port limits. According to research from the International Council...

Antarctic Doomsday

February 4, 2022
Public Relations

It may be worst case scenario in the Antarctic. There, scientists are sounding the alarm after two recent studies revealed concerning trends in the environment’s overall health. The fragile marine ecosystem is facing a magnitude of anthropogenic threats and quite literally cracking under the pressure.

Cruise Line Lobbyists have Succeeded to Gain a Loophole…

January 18, 2022
Public Relations

Come March 1st, the Port of Vancouver will be a little less welcoming to scrubber-equipped ships. New restrictions issued by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, will ban the discharge of washwater from exhaust gas cleaning systems within port limits. The ban applies to both open-loop and closed-loop scrubbers.

Still Slow Steam Ahead for IMO’s Decarbonization Efforts

December 8, 2021
Public Relations

Progress made at COP26 failed to translate into action at the IMO’s latest environmental meeting. Just days after touting ambitious emissions goals at the global climate conference in Glasgow, maritime leaders met at MEPC77 with what appeared to be a drastic change of heart

Who are the Greenwashers?

September 22, 2021
Public Relations

Green policies aren’t well regulated. There are no real rules regarding those green certification programs many companies boast about.

2021 Already Deadliest Year on Record for Florida Manatees

August 27, 2021
Public Relations

For Florida’s manatees, 2021 has already marked a grim milestone. More manatees have died this year than ever before on record. Between January and July, over 840 manatee deaths were reported. That is more than twice the number of deaths recorded over the same period in 2020 and at this rate,

Walmart, Target and Dole Among Retail Giants with the Worst Shipping Emissions—“Greenwashing”

August 11, 2021
Public Relations

Back in 2019, Walmart’s commitment to installing electric vehicle charging stations in many of its stores was met with a round of applause. And when they strengthened their requirements for the sustainable sourcing of their products, that too was seen as a win for mother nature.

Broken Promises and Lies: The Story of How Korindo Lost its Sustainability Status

July 28, 2021
Public Relations

When Petrus Kinggo was approached by South Korean palm oil giant, Korindo, with an offer to buy his land, the native Indonesian realized he had little chance to refuse. Korindo had already received the necessary concessions from the government to acquire the land.

IMO Needs to Change Course on Emission Strategy

July 14, 2021
Public Relations

It is back to the drawing board for the IMO. The industry leader faced harsh criticism following last month’s Marine Environment Protection Committee meeting (MEPC 76). The shipping sector has notoriously fallen behind other major industries in implementing green initiatives and unfortunately, discussions at MEPC 76 spurred little progress.

Will Canadian Ports Ban the Dumping of Scrubber Washwater?

June 17, 2021
Public Relations

According to the ICCT’s estimate, Vancouver can expect 5.2 million tons (Mt) of scrubber washwater annually once cruises resume sailing. That day could come by March of 2022 and the busy Port of Vancouver anticipates that cruise traffic will return to pre-COVID levels shortly...

Study Estimates Ten Gigatonnes of Scrubber Washwater Released Annually

May 19, 2021
Public Relations

A new study is shedding light on the impact and just how much scrubber washwater is being discharged into the oceans annually and the numbers are staggering. The International Council on Clean Transportation’s (ICCT) latest report estimates that scrubber fitted ships emit at least 10 gigatonnes...

Grim Reality for Grimaldi’s Scrubbers

April 21, 2021
Public Relations

Emanuele Grimaldi just won’t admit defeat. The Italian shipowner is still advocating for scrubbers. This is in spite of a horrendous year for the exhaust gas cleaning technology. Throughout 2020, the scrubber industry faced numerous failures and setbacks. From the start, scrubber users complained...

New Report Reveals Key Decarbonization Trends

April 14, 2021
Public Relations

Are we seeing a glimpse of the future? The Getting to Zero Coalition is hopeful that the trends revealed in their latest report could forecast the clean shipping fuels of tomorrow. The report entitled Mapping of Zero Emission Pilots and Demonstration Projects examines the extent of decarbonization efforts in the shipping...

Pressure Mounts for Chinese Lenders to Join Poseidon Principles as Japanese Banking Giants Become Latest Signatories

March 24, 2021
Public Relations

Another major lending institute has joined Poseidon Principles. MUFG Bank has become the latest signatory on a growing list of finance firms making a concerted effort to lend sustainably. The Japanese banking giant joins four other major Japanese financial institutes that have already declared their support...

Fuel Prices Won’t Save Dying Scrubber Industry

March 12, 2021
Public Relations

Fuel prices are on the rise. As the cost of crude oil has slowly ticked upward, the price gap between HSFO and VLSFO has also widened. For shipping executives trying desperately to recover millions lost in scrubber investments, the reprieve may be long-awaited but for the rest of us, it comes as terrible news. Even with...

Extreme weather events are on the rise. Is climate change to blame?

February 24, 2021
Public Relations

When last week’s winter storm descended upon the southern United States, few were prepared. Freezing temperatures and a blanket of snow covered a region that is ill-equipped to handle either. The crippling cold left millions in the state of Texas without power, as electricity equipment and natural gas wells froze in the icy weather. In the days...

Threat from Ocean Noise Pollution Grows

February 10, 2021
Public Relations

Over the last century, the orchestra of the ocean has drastically changed. What was once a perfectly composed symphony of whistling wildlife and calming waves, is now an ear-piercing rock concert. In our most recent exposé, we saw how anthropogenic noises have considerably altered the Arctic environment. There, unwanted sounds...

Noisy Ships Threaten Arctic Whales

January 27, 2021
Public Relations

Deep in the pristine waters of the Arctic you can hardly hear a sound. The secluded marine environment is one of the quietest places on Earth. For the beluga whales that call this region home, the silence is bliss. Belugas rely on echolocation to traverse the dark waters on the hunt for food, but the high frequency calls they emit in the process...